Keyword Press

Books now available
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[book cover: The Hubert Clavichord Data Book] The Hubert Clavichord Data Book

by Koen Vermeij

A study of all 18 surviving clavichords made by C. G. Hubert, with over 700 photos …


[book cover: Clavichord Tuning and Maintenance] Clavichord Tuning and Maintenance

by Peter Bavington

A practical handbook
for every clavichord player
and owner …


[book cover: The Mirror of Human Life] The Mirror of Human Life

by Jane Clark and Derek Connon

A new edition of the handbook to François Couperin’s harpsichord pieces …


[CD: School of Politesse] School of Politesse

Jane Clark, harpsichord solo

This CD has been produced to accompany the book The Mirror of Human Life


[book cover: Vocal Traditions in Conflict] Vocal Traditions in Conflict

by Richard Bethell

Descent from sweet, clear, pure and affecting Italian singing – to Grand Uproar.


[book cover: More London Piano Makers] More London Piano Makers

by Alastair Laurence

The sequel to Five London Piano Makers, with histories of six more piano-making firms …


[book cover: The Broadwood Barless Piano] The Broadwood Barless Piano

by Alastair Laurence

The history of an idea – its birth, death and revival, by the author of Five London Piano Makers


[The British Clavichord Society Newsletter] The British Clavichord Society Newsletter

All back numbers of the BCS Newsletter are now available from this website, price £3 for individual copies.

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Keyword Press, 48 Dunsterville Way, London SE1 3RQ, England.